
Start by downloading Raptoreum Wallet.

Pool Servers

RegionAddressPortSSL Port
RUru1.raptoreum.coinmore.io3002 3003


You can use:


  • WyvernTKC
  • XMRig
  • xmrigCC
  • WildRig
  1. Download latest release of WyvernTKC and unzip the files.
  2. Update config.json file with:
  "_comment1": "Any long-format command line argument ",
  "_comment2": "may be used in this JSON configuration file",

  "url": "stratum+tcps://",

  "_comment3": "Backup/failover stratum used in case of connection problems",
  "url-backup": "stratum+tcps://",

  "user": "your_wallet_address",
  "pass": "x",

  "algo": "gr",
  "threads": 0,

  "_comment4": "tune-full takes longer but should provide better hashrate",
  "tune-full": false,

  "_comment5": "You can specify different name/location for your tune config",
  "tune-config": "tune_config",

  "_comment6": "You can force miner to not tune. It tunes by default",
  "_comment7": "Or force it even if tune-config file already exists",
  "no-tune": false,
  "force-tune": false,

  "_comment8": "\"log\": \"filename\" can be used to create logfile of output",
  "benchmark": false,
  "stress-test": false,
  "quiet": false
  1. Run the file cpuminer.
  2. PROFIT!
  1. Download latest release of XMRig and unzip the files.
  2. Update config.json file with:
  "api": {
    "id": null,
    "worker-id": null
  "http": {
    "enabled": false,
    "host": "",
    "port": 0,
    "access-token": null,
    "restricted": true
  "autosave": true,
  "background": false,
  "colors": true,
  "title": true,
  "randomx": {
    "init": -1,
    "init-avx2": -1,
    "mode": "auto",
    "1gb-pages": false,
    "rdmsr": true,
    "wrmsr": true,
    "cache_qos": false,
    "numa": true,
    "scratchpad_prefetch_mode": 1
  "cpu": {
    "enabled": true,
    "huge-pages": true,
    "huge-pages-jit": false,
    "hw-aes": null,
    "priority": null,
    "memory-pool": false,
    "yield": true,
    "max-threads-hint": 100,
    "asm": true,
    "argon2-impl": null,
    "cn/0": false,
    "cn-lite/0": false
  "opencl": {
    "enabled": false,
    "cache": true,
    "loader": null,
    "platform": "AMD",
    "adl": true,
    "cn/0": false,
    "cn-lite/0": false
  "cuda": {
    "enabled": false,
    "loader": null,
    "nvml": true,
    "cn/0": false,
    "cn-lite/0": false
  "donate-level": 1,
  "donate-over-proxy": 1,
  "log-file": null,
  "pools": [
      "algo": null,
      "coin": null,
      "url": "",
      "user": "your_wallet_address",
      "pass": "x",
      "rig-id": null,
      "nicehash": false,
      "keepalive": false,
      "enabled": true,
      "tls": false,
      "tls-fingerprint": null,
      "daemon": false,
      "socks5": null,
      "self-select": null,
      "submit-to-origin": false
  "print-time": 60,
  "health-print-time": 60,
  "dmi": true,
  "retries": 5,
  "retry-pause": 5,
  "syslog": false,
  "tls": {
    "enabled": false,
    "protocols": null,
    "cert": null,
    "cert_key": null,
    "ciphers": null,
    "ciphersuites": null,
    "dhparam": null
  "dns": {
    "ipv6": false,
    "ttl": 30
  "user-agent": null,
  "verbose": 0,
  "watch": true,
  "pause-on-battery": false,
  "pause-on-active": false
  1. Run the file.
  2. PROFIT!
  1. Download latest release of xmrigCC and unzip the files.
  2. Update config.json file with:
  "api": {
      "id": null,
      "worker-id": null
  "http": {
      "enabled": false,
      "host": "",
      "port": 0,
      "access-token": null,
      "restricted": true
  "autosave": true,
  "background": false,
  "colors": true,
  "title": true,
  "randomx": {
      "init": -1,
      "init-avx2": -1,
      "mode": "auto",
      "1gb-pages": false,
      "rdmsr": true,
      "wrmsr": true,
      "cache_qos": false,
      "numa": true,
      "scratchpad_prefetch_mode": 1
  "cpu": {
      "enabled": true,
      "huge-pages": true,
      "huge-pages-jit": false,
      "hw-aes": null,
      "priority": null,
      "memory-pool": false,
      "yield": true,
      "force-autoconfig": false,
      "max-threads-hint": 100,
      "max-cpu-usage": null,
      "asm": true,
      "argon2-impl": null,
      "cn/0": false,
      "cn-lite/0": false
  "opencl": {
      "enabled": false,
      "cache": true,
      "loader": null,
      "platform": "AMD",
      "adl": true,
      "cn/0": false,
      "cn-lite/0": false
  "cuda": {
      "enabled": false,
      "loader": null,
      "nvml": true,
      "cn/0": false,
      "cn-lite/0": false
  "donate-level": 3,
  "donate-over-proxy": 1,
  "log-file": null,
  "pools": [
          "algo": null,
          "coin": null,
          "url": "",
          "user": "your_wallet_address",
          "pass": "x",
          "rig-id": null,
          "nicehash": false,
          "keepalive": false,
          "enabled": true,
          "tls": false,
          "tls-fingerprint": null,
          "daemon": false,
          "socks5": null,
          "self-select": null,
          "submit-to-origin": false
  "cc-client": {
      "enabled": true,
      "servers": [
              "url": "localhost:3344",
              "access-token": "mySecret",
              "use-tls": false
      "use-remote-logging": true,
      "upload-config-on-start": true,
      "worker-id": null,
      "reboot-cmd": null,
      "update-interval-s": 10,
      "retries-to-failover": 5
  "print-time": 60,
  "health-print-time": 60,
  "dmi": true,
  "retries": 5,
  "retry-pause": 5,
  "syslog": false,
  "tls": {
      "enabled": false,
      "protocols": null,
      "cert": null,
      "cert_key": null,
      "ciphers": null,
      "ciphersuites": null,
      "dhparam": null
  "dns": {
      "ipv6": false,
      "ttl": 30
  "user-agent": null,
  "verbose": 0,
  "watch": true,
  "pause-on-battery": false,
  "pause-on-active": false
  1. Run the file.
  2. PROFIT!
  1. Download latest release of WildRig and unzip the files.
  2. Update start-Raptoreum file with:
wildrig.exe --algo ghostrider --url stratum+tcp:// --user your_wallet_address --pass x
  1. Run the file.
  2. PROFIT!